What an amazing day we had yesterday in Houston. Not because of the smog, traffic, cold or insane prices of parking, but because Berkleigh's healing was confirmed.
Let's backtrack. At 11 weeks old Berkleigh was hospitalized for 1 week for high fevers. She was diagnosed with Grade 3 Renal Reflux. This is when the urine in her bladder heads back up into her kidneys carrying bacteria which in turns gives her kidney infections. She has been on an antibiotic daily since she was 11 weeks to keep her bacterial count low to avoid these infections. If she were to get an infection she would be admitted again for IV antibiotics. With having the diagnoses of Grade 3 reflux the statistics are that she has a 50% chance of growing out of this in a 6 year period!
Amazingly, Berkleigh has not had 1 infection since her hospital stay 16 months ago. Yesterday we went to Houston to get established with a new Urologist and have her routine testing done. She had a renal(kidney) Ultrasound in the morning followed by a VCUG. This is when they catheterize her and inject dye into her bladder and then shoot films to see how far the dye is refluxing back up into her kidneys.
Okay...let me back up one more time. On November 23,2008, we were in Sunday service and our Pastor stood up after Praise and Worship and felt led to pray for healing for those in the church. We sit up in the nose bleed section and could see the many people in line for prayer. When the line was getting shorter, I felt led to go get Berkleigh from Nursery and take her up. He laid his hands on her and asked what her specific need was. I told him she had a kidney disorder/problem. She sat so still and quiet as he laid his hands on her and prayed for her healing. This is the day I believe Berkleigh was healed. Daddy even wrote it in his Bible. I continued to give her her medications daily and even ended up at the Doctors the following week to have her checked and cathed. Still believing that she was healed.
So we finished the Ultrasound and VCUG. The only thing left was her Doctor's appointment in the afternoon. I took her previous films so he had some comparison and good thing I did. Because according to today's films. Berkleigh Faith has no signs of Renal reflux. A healthy pair of kidneys with no calcifications or signs of her previous infection! When Dr Roth came in he said "Well......She fixed herself. She has no reflux any more.""PRAISE GOD!" I thought for a moment to myself... fixed her self???? Who is this guy kidding. She can't even complete a full sentence and he thinks she fixed the anatomy of her kidneys! That is a GOD thing.
What an awesome day! Berkleigh no longer has to take medication daily and no more routine tests. God is so awesome and continues to amaze me. Thank you to all of you who have kept Berkleigh in your prayers. She truly is a miracle to us. Please let this be an encouragement to you and your family. God still heals! We just have to have the faith and believe! Thank you Jesus!