Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 20 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Boy is the size of a banana (My daily breakfast)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants, but holding on tho the “normal” tops
Gender: It’s a BOY!
Movement: Oh My Goodness this little man is crazy active! LOVE IT!
I feel him very low in my belly
Sleep: Not so hot right now...actually horrible, but it will get better :)
What I miss: Nothing much at this point, maybe sleep:)
Cravings: Cold foods and Dairy= Ice Cream and popsicles!!!
Symptoms: A partial placenta previa that is not wanting to resolve,
but believing in GOD to heal it in his timing.
Just found out today I have Hyperthyroidism and will be seeing
an endocrinologist in the next 2 weeks....other than that....just tired.
Best Moment this week: Watching him on ultrasound today and hearing
that despite all the minor complications I am having....he is doing awesome
...growing and looks great.
He is 14 oz
The girls are doing wonderful and already are in love with their brother. They pray for him each night at bedtime and never miss a chance to hug and kiss on my belly. I love how much a part of our family he already is.
Dax brought home some wild flowers he picked on the side of the road the other night. They made me giddy! They were absolutely beautiful and it reminded me of what an awesome man I married. (Check out the water bottle him)